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Spectrum Jobs and Job Properties

For more information on Spectrum, visit our website here: Appropriately managing jobs and necessary project information is a cumbersome task. But Spectrum makes Job details and Job properties easy to configure and adjust. To view more Spectrum tips and tricks and to keep up with what else Viewpoint has be sure to subscribe here! "Spectrum, helpful tips and tricks for jobs and job properties. This video is one in a series of videos to help you learn about features you may not know about in Spectrum. Be sure to watch the other videos in our series on Viewpoint's YouTube Channel and subscribe to stay up to date on the latest and greatest content. When you are looking at a job and you're on the main page, a couple of things. First of all, switch. Switch is always important. That's at every screen. It lets you enter in a different value. So switch or alt W lets you get there. One thing I want to point out, too, since we just talked about lists boxes, is the search windows, these are list boxes as well. So if you wanted the job address to be first or second, you could go ahead and do that and then the system would always remember it. So when you come in, this is what you'd end up getting. Again, right click, revert to standard. Okay, so we're looking here at this one project. Now, there's two places I want to talk about. In Spectrum, we have this 30 character description for the job. It's not long. Let's be clear. It's not long, but we added a comment box that's 250 characters down here. So let me tell you how we use this. All Spectrum reports and inquiry screens will use this short description. For those of you that write your own crystal reports, you can opt to use this longer description. It is also used in Business Intelligence. So if you're using Business Intelligence, you would then have the ability to put in a longer job description here by using the comment field. Over here in the legal description of the page, this is information that we use for lien releases. This legal description will be used on the customer and vendor Lien release, so make sure it's accurate and put in all your good stuff there."