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Spectrum Using Tree Grids in Jobs

Interested in learning more about Spectrum? Visit our website here: To navigate Information for Jobs, Spectrum Tree Grids makes it easy to dive into your most important job cost details. To view more Spectrum tips and tricks and to keep up with what else Viewpoint has be sure to subscribe here! "Spectrum helpful tips and tricks for using tree grids in jobs. This video is one in a series of videos to help you learn about features you may not know about in Spectrum. Be sure to watch the other videos in our series on Viewpoint's YouTube channel, and subscribe to stay up to date on the latest and greatest content. Let's look at ... We call these tree grids. A tree grid is just that. You are going to get information and you can expand it. Now, let's look at the standard setup. So when I come into the cost activities page, this is what the standard page looks like. And I can say, "Hey, I want to sort this by phase." I can drag and drop that on there, "And by cost type." I can also use the dropdown here and say, "I want to sort it by a unit of measure." Why? I have no idea. It just sounds cool. I can do it by cost type, but you see the whole point here is that we can come up with some methodology of how we want to store this or present this. So, here is my major group. Then once you go to the major group, it goes to the phase, and then it goes by the cost type, and then it goes to the transactional level. Now, over here on the info bar, you have saved selections. If this is something you want to see over and over again, click save current, and you give it a name. By major group, by phase cost type. Now I can always make it my template if I wanted to, by checking the box. I can also, if I have security, I can make this available to all the operators. I could even assign it as the all operators template. Now the nice thing is is that when you come back into the screen, let's pretend that we're here, the standard, I just have to go click it and it will re-format that page however you want it. Now remember, you can also get rid of columns. I clicked the little yellow pad of paper and maybe I don't care about the month to date information. That's just overkill for me, so I'm gonna take it off. Well you can go ahead and do that and then save it, and again, when you have the same selection, it'll just memorize what you have and it'll list present it for you. And then if for some reason you don't want it, just click the little wrench, it brings this up, and you can delete it out. Okay? So, tree grids are very important. A couple other things that they do is in this case, we've got phase and cost type, and so you see the little pluses. I can click this plus and it will expand all of the rows. So, it's going through and expanding all row on every transaction. Now you do this because then you, I mean basically just you want to expand all is effectively what this is saying. Okay, so that's an example. You can also collapse all. When you click the excel icon, it's going to export the data to a spreadsheet to excel. So when you click it, it says it's going to warn you that before you do this, you're going to want to expand all, because when you expand all, it's going to download all of this information, and then of course you can collapse it over in excel if you want to. But the idea is, is that when you export it to excel, it's going to ask you to expand all so you get all of the information, and then of course you can use the grouping stuff over here to shrink it back up as you see fit. Okay? Oops, enable editing. Duh. It always helps if you tell a computer what you want it to do. There we go. So you see, so that what I like about these tree grids is that what you see on the page is what you end up in excel getting. So we have tree grades throughout the system that are in job costs, that are in a general ledger, that are in equipment control. There's a few other places that you'll see them. They're very powerful, and we're hoping to have more on the way in the future."